Eco Lifestyle Lodge – Barbados Premier Eco Resort

Today I’m joined by Kyle Taylor from Eco Lifestyle Lodge in Barbados.

Tucked away on the hills overlooking the dramatic seascape of the Bajan east coast, ECO Lifestyle + Lodge is the realized dream of New York native Kyle & his partner Maryam, who traded the hustle of city life for a slower, more meaningful pace when they moved to Barbados several years ago. With their young family in tow, they’ve firmly established themselves in the local community.

With numerous awards already won for their eco endeavours, Kyle tells me how they established themselves as the number 1 eco resort on Barbados.

And if you want to be truly inspired, I highly urge you to check out their Eco Sky Water project which just might be the solution to water shortages around the world very soon – it’s truly incredible.

If you’d like to learn more about the Eco Lifestyle Lodge and their ethos and indeed see the property for yourself, then please do visit

And you can join Kyle, Eco Lifestyle Lodge and hundreds more like-minded people and organisations by joining Climate Friendly Travel and indeed become an ambassador by signing up to join The SunX Registry at , or email us at [email protected]

That’s our show for this week. Thanks so much for your company and remember, when it comes to Climate Friendly Travel, every small step forward, is giant stride when we all step together…
