We believe that travellers should be aware of the environmental factors involved with each and every aspect of their travels.  As such it’s not only important to learn about the environmental issues surrounding the accomodation we choose, but also the countries we intend to visit.

We are proud to be working with Flockeo who are the world leaders in the analysis of macro environmental issues through their monitoring and processing of global satellite data.

On each destination we feature, you will find key environmental indicators about that destination:

  • Human Development Index (HDI):

The HDI was created to emphasize that people and their capabilities should be the ultimate criteria for assessing the development of a country, not economic growth alone.

Human Development Index (HDI) is a summary measure of average achievement in key dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, being knowledgeable and having a decent standard of living. The HDI is the geometric mean of normalized indices for each of the three dimensions.

The health dimension is assessed by life expectancy at birth, the education dimension is measured by mean of years of schooling for adults aged 25 years and more and expected years of schooling for children of school entering age. The standard of living dimension is measured by gross national income per capita. The HDI uses the logarithm of income, to reflect the diminishing importance of income with increasing GNI. The scores for the three HDI dimension indices are then aggregated into a composite index using geometric mean.

  • GDP Share of Tourism:

The tourism share of a country’s GDP is a crucial environmental indicator due to its reflection of the environmental impact and sustainability of tourism-related activities. It measures the economic significance of tourism, shedding light on several critical aspects:

Firstly, it signifies the environmental footprint of tourism, encompassing factors like energy consumption, water usage, waste generation, and greenhouse gas emissions. A high tourism GDP share suggests a greater impact on these fronts, necessitating environmental management.

Secondly, it reflects resource use, revealing how much natural resources such as water, land, and energy are consumed by the tourism sector. This information is vital for assessing sustainability and aligning resource use with conservation goals.

Additionally, a significant tourism GDP share may indicate pressures on biodiversity and ecosystems, as tourism often involves visits to natural areas. It can also signal increased infrastructure development, potentially affecting local environments and habitats.

Furthermore, the indicator highlights the carbon footprint of tourism-related activities, contributing to climate change. On a positive note, a lower share may imply a commitment to sustainable tourism practices.

The tourism share of GDP serves as a valuable tool for policymakers and environmentalists to gauge the environmental implications of tourism, guiding efforts to strike a balance between economic growth and environmental preservation.

  • Environmental Performance Rank:

The Environmental Performance Index ranks 180 countries on 24 performance indicators across ten issue categories covering environmental health and ecosystem vitality.

The Environmental Performance Index (EPI) is an important environmental indicator of a country for travellers to be aware of for several reasons:

  1. Environmental Awareness: Travelers can use the EPI to gain insights into the environmental performance of a destination. It helps them make informed choices about where to travel and engage in sustainable tourism practices. Travelers who prioritize eco-friendly destinations can use the EPI to identify countries that are taking significant steps to protect their environment.
  2. Health and Safety: The EPI includes factors related to air quality, water quality, and sanitation. These factors directly impact travelers’ health and well-being. Travelers can use the EPI to assess the environmental conditions in a destination, which can influence their choice of travel and their preparation for potential environmental challenges.
  3. Sustainable Tourism: Travelers interested in responsible and sustainable tourism can use the EPI to support destinations that are actively working to protect their natural resources and reduce environmental impacts. By choosing countries with higher EPI scores, travelers can contribute to the promotion of sustainable tourism practices.
  4. Impact on Local Communities: Tourism can have significant social and economic impacts on local communities. Travelers who are aware of a destination’s environmental performance can make choices that align with their values and support destinations that prioritize the well-being of both the environment and local populations.
  5. Conservation and Preservation: The EPI includes indicators related to biodiversity and habitat protection. Travelers interested in wildlife and natural landscapes can use the EPI to identify countries that are committed to conservation efforts, making it more likely to have positive wildlife and nature experiences during their travels.
  6. Climate Change: Climate change is a global issue, and a country’s commitment to addressing it is reflected in its EPI score. Travelers who are concerned about climate change can use the EPI to support countries that are taking proactive measures to reduce their carbon footprint and promote renewable energy sources.

The Environmental Performance Index is a valuable tool for travellers who want to make informed choices that align with their environmental values and priorities. It helps travelers support destinations that are actively working to protect the environment, promote sustainability, and ensure a positive travel experience.

  • Sustainable Tourism Development Ranking:

Using an overall environmental score for each country, Flockeo ranks 155 countries according to how high they rank environmentally overall taking into consideration all factors.