The Dodo is an extinct bird from the island of Mauritius.  30 years ago, Christian Joller used the Dodo to bring environmentalism to school age youngsters in French speaking countries.   He made 65 cartoons shown on French TV and around the world.

SUNx was given access to Christian’s cartoons and has the right to use the cartoons and the mascot for its outreach.  In 2024, we developed Dodo4Kids as a component of SUNx Malta’s Education2Action core programme – to teach school age children about the existential climate crisis and ways  tourism can adapt. We have a growing body of learning material & games.

Dodo4Kids promotes Climate Friendly Travel (CFT) – tourism that is low carbon, linked to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and nature-positive, to keep us within the 1.5 degree warming of the Paris Agreement.  Dodo says: Paris 1.5; SDG-linked and Nature+. And he is focused on the special vulnerability off Small Island & Developing States, as he comes from Mauritius, but he visits other countries as well.

At the 3rd Strong Earth Youth Conference (SEYS) in April 2025 in Malta, we will profile Dodo4Kids, with our SDG 17 Partners, as an initiative to bring messages of hope and ambition to millions of young school age kids around the world, through fun material that is aimed at them.

This is a gateway to the UN Global Climate Action Portal and is supportive of the Glasgow & Baku Declarations. It comprises a growing worldwide list of climate friendly hotels, tour operators, restaurants and other tourism companies.

Dodo4Kids will also be freely available to our CFT Club Members to help build a worldwide clean and green community of tomorrow’s leaders.

Let’s empower the next generation of climate champions – Join us today: 

Dodo4Kids promotes Climate Friendly Travel (CFT) – tourism that is low carbon, linked to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and nature-positive, to keep us within the 1.5 degree warming of the Paris Agreement.  Dodo says: Paris 1.5; SDG-linked and Nature+. And he is focused on the special vulnerability off Small Island & Developing States, as he comes from Mauritius, but he visits other countries as well.

At the 3rd Strong Earth Youth Conference (SEYS) in April 2025 in Malta, we will profile Dodo4Kids, with our SDG 17 Partners, as an initiative to bring messages of hope and ambition to millions of young school age kids around the world, through fun material that is aimed at them.

This is a gateway to the UN Global Climate Action Portal and is supportive of the Glasgow & Baku Declarations. It comprises a growing worldwide list of climate friendly hotels, tour operators, restaurants and other tourism companies.

Dodo4Kids will also be freely available to our CFT Club Members to help build a worldwide clean and green community of tomorrow’s leaders.

Let’s empower the next generation of climate champions – Join us today: